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Recruitment Terminology

During recruitment, there can be a lot of unfamiliar terms that you don’t know. We have collected the most common recruitment you will hear during recruitment. Our hope is that with these definitions, you can enter the recruitment process more confidently and prepared.

Potential New Member (PNM): Someone who is eligible to participate in sorority recruitment


Rho Gamma: A sorority member who serves as a recruitment guide. They are a resource for any questions or concerns during primary recruitment. Each PNM is assigned a Rho Gamma throughout the entire primary recruitment process.


Bid Day: Bid Day is the last day of Panhellenic Recruitment. It is when potential new members receive bids to join chapters and become new members. Usually, during Bid Day, each chapter will hold a fun activity for the new members to meet and get to know the rest of the chapter. 


Preference Round: The last round of sorority primary recruitment.


Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement (MRABA): This is a one-year binding agreement signed by a potential new member (PNM) when ranking chapters after the preference round of recruitment. When a PNM signs the MRABA, they agree to accept a bid from any chapter listed on the agreement (maximum of two listed). If the PNM denies a bid from one of the two chapters listed on the MRABA, they cannot accept a bid from any other organization for a year or until the next primary recruitment period. The PNM is eligible for continuous open bidding or snap bidding if they sign a MRABA, but does not receive a bid.


Singling Intentional Preference: When a PNM only lists one chapter on the MRABA following the preference round of primary recruitment. If a PNM decides to Single Intentional Preference and does not receive a Bid from that chapter, they are not eligible to COB or join a chapter until the next primary recruitment cycle.


Legacy: A daughter, sister, or granddaughter of an initiated sorority member. Being a legacy does not guarantee a PNM a bid to a particular sorority. Each chapter has its own definition and policy for legacies during recruitment.


New Member: Refers to a woman who has accepted a bid from a sorority, but is not an initiated member. 


New Member Dues: This refers to the fees paid during the semester of joining a sorority. These dues are typically higher than regular dues as they encompass various expenses related to the initiation process and integration into the organization. They may cover costs for orientation materials, administrative fees, educational resources, and membership badges or pins. It's worth noting that these dues usually represent the highest amount a member will pay during their time in the chapter.


New Member Period: The new member period serves as a period of orientation and education, allowing new members to familiarize themselves with the sorority and its members. It's a time for bonding with fellow new members and existing members of the organization. Activities during this period may include meetings, educational sessions, community service projects, social events, and rituals specific to the organization. Chapters will typically have an older initiated member guiding the new member period. This person serves as a mentor and role model for new members, offering guidance, support, and encouragement throughout the new member period. They are often a point of contact for new members to ask questions, seek advice, or express concerns about their experiences within the organization.

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